Needlepoint Postcard Kits designed by Jennifer Pudney and Friends
All Kits: $49

All Things Kiwi
This design contains a few of what I see as the typical New Zealand icons. A sheep; a black shearers singlet; Hokey Pokey icecream; a chocolate fish; a pair of jandals for summer wear; the pukeko or swamp hen; an orange roughy; the cabbage or Ti tree (which looks like something out of a Dr Suess book); the Kiwifruit; and of course, the Kiwi. The stars represent the Southern Cross constellation. And the clouds represent the Maori name for New Zealand (Aotaearoa – Land of the Long White Cloud)

An Overdose of Devonshire Tea
This is perhaps the most English of our designs and is for all those people (like me) who sometimes have just a little too much!

Bathing Beauties
This design was inspired by a beauty contest where votes were made by donation. Whoever collected the most money won. When I was little, I thought whoever was the biggest won.

Beach Parade
From the shade of the umbrella she marvelled the shapes
the curves and the angles,
Sale Price $49 BUY NOW

Bear With Me
“Bear with me, bear with me!” she shrieked to family, friends and colleagues, She couldn’t understand why no-one had called animal control.
Designed by Tess Norquay

Bikini Freedom
Our busty bather is hoola hooping with joy! She has decided NOT to be worried about what other people might think. The onlookers applaud. It's fun to do with plenty of colour changes and will make an excellent companion for our long standing “Bathing Beauties”.

Bulls in the China Shop
The bulls had an appreciation for fine china, but were often met with apprehension by the sales staff.
Designed by Tess Norquay

Cafe Girls
We all had a laugh at this design! One title we thought of was “Speech Bubbles”. And another idea we had was for a competition whereby people had to tell us what the conversation was about – the most imaginative won! Needless to say, the conversation degenerated from that point on until we were all on the floor in hysterics..

Cloud Watcher
She lay in the meadow to watch the sky
Forming cats and dogs, and a hawk on the fly
And somewhere between, it now and then
she lost herself totally, forgetting the when!

Domestic Goddess In Training
She was really good at making cupcakes and keeping a perfect house, but didn't realise that it was exactly as her mother had been and quite likely how her daughter would be.

Drag Along The Beach with Dog and Matching Parasol
A light breezy day walking my dog on the beach, enjoying the simple pleasures in life.

Floating Around In Frocks
Loose – I know, but it is just a free thing, and it made me smile.

Flower Bed
The companion to Gardener's Bottom. Our glorious gal is resting up on her bed of flowers with a coffee and magazine. This design is a result of my gardening frenzy over the summer – unfortunately the drought won.

Gardeners Bottom
My mother's friend is always gardening. She has a special pair of shorts that she says she wears instead of makeup, because that is all you see of her when she is gardening..

Great Auntie Lil
We all have a Great Auntie Lil that brought a bit of glamour into our lives.

Hey Diddle Diddle
Hey diddle diddle
The cat and the fiddle
The cow jumped over the moon
The little dog laughed to see such fun
And the dish ran away with the spoon
An old favourite, and a great design to do for special children, as a gift they will treasure long after childhood..

Home is where the heart is
Feeling 40 something, and restless – I up-rooted my family and shifted to Christchurch to spend some time with Tim's family.
As we left our Wellington home I felt a tremendous sadness, and a nervousness about where we were going. This design is in response to that need to have a place to put my things and nuture my family -so… to this house I bring my heart, which makes it home…
See Kaffe Fassett Echinacea Glow Fabric here

I’d Rather Be Gardening
Let's just say there are lot's of things I should be doing…but I'd rather be gardening.

Immaculate Housewife
Although her mother had never actually told her that the duty of a perfect wife was to keep a perfectly clean house she felt compelled to do all that her mother had done, as well as all the new things a girl was supposed to do in the two thousands.

Line Dried
If she swung on the line, she'd dry out the damp spots,
blow away the cobwebs and start the day again,
as fresh as her lined dried washing.

Making Waves
A design especially for those who are ‘making waves’ – be it in your own lunch box, bath, home or place of work! I love the image of something so soothing as a bath possibly being the place where revolutions start!

Midnight Garden
Red hot colour and big heavy dahlia heads, growing up with daisy and lobelia. When I can’t sleep at night I think about my garden at the bach. I name all the plants I can think of, and plan what I’m going to plant next. So much more colourful than counting sheep!

No Worries
This is my first design that shows a couple together as equal characters! I'm not sure what Freud would make of this missing component for so many years, and it's sudden appearance. The colours are a bit softer than my usual palette. This would be a great gift for the parents! Wedding anniversaries or retirement celebrations.

On a Wing and a Prayer
Pay attention to your wish mix it up with a butterfly kiss and wrap it carefully in the softest nest.

Raining Cats and Dogs
Just the design to do on those rainy days when cabin fever is about to set in!

Reach for the Sun
This design has a sense of unfurling. She is about to flower – an opening up (to possibilities?)
Maybe it is all about Spring, or maybe it’s more of a maturing thing – not that anyone would know!!

She Slipped Between Two Tall Trees
I suppose you could say she was … over elmed!

Special Delivery
She arrived quite out of the blue, by stork.
one baby by special delivery.

Tall Poppies
While there is an obvious connotation with this title with this title, I’ve gone with a literal illustration. The black and white border is something that has popped up from when I first began painting (too many years ago to remember) – an old recurrent theme!
Sale Price $49 BUY NOW

Tempting Santa
Was the night before Christmas
And no one was there
So I hung up my stocking
But it looked a little bare
So I hung up a few more
And it just wasn't right
So I kept on going
All through the night
By the light of day
Oh what a sight

The Bird Watcher
One bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
A dozen eggs in the fridge are worth four in the nest

The Incredible Woman
OK, it’s time to ‘fess up! A number of friends are doing the family thing – buying houses, remembering to have children, and even managing long term relationships. And it truly never ceases to amaze me the energy required to manage things like school lunches, coffee mornings, play group, being the attentive partner – as well as working! Congratulations – I couldn’t do it..

The Swim
The water was vaguely warm
The only sound, my own breathing
The little fish darted away and then back
looking at me.
The seaweed wobbled
just like my hair
Swimming in the lagoon:Samoa 2003. This is a really strong image that I took away with me – I would have had on a snorkle, but that is not such a pretty thing to embroider!
If I ever need a place to go in my head – where everything stands still, and all the noises stop, and there is no weight or pressure, then I use this.

Wedding Bells
In this design we have put in all the wedding dramas! The Best Man is toasting the Groom; the Mother of the Bride (complete with hat) has handkerchief at the ready; the Bridesmaid is catching the bouquet; and the Bride is ringing her bells..

Wind Dancer
We had a really windy day here in Wellington (funny-that) and I took the dog for a walk. Usually the wind makes me a bit grumpy – but on this particular day I found it quite exhilarating. I was moving with the wind, rather than fighting it – I loved it…

Wind Dancer Blue Skies
We have re-coloured this older design in a lighter sunnier colouring…

You Blew Me Away
Some like it hot, and some like it with 150 kilometre per hour southerlies. I don’t know many of these people, though.
Designed by Tess Norquay